
God’s faithfulness

God is working

The New Identity

The Zoe Word

Starting as an underground church in 2007 in Iran, God has used our church to glorify himself and outreach to thousands of Iranian people. Until 2011, the underground church turned from 6 to more than 100 believers who loved the Lord more than their lives. After exposure of our underground church to the Iranian intelligent police, it was not safe to stay, and many church members had to flee Iran for Turkey. According to the Islamic Sharia law in Iran, leaving Islam is treated as an unforgivable sin and has a punishment of long-term prison or even death.

But God’s faithfulness and his never-ending grace flourished through his church in Turkey as well. In 2012, Our church pastors established a new church in the city of Sakarya (West of Turkey). During the past 10 years, two more churches were established in the city of Kayseri (Central Turkey) and Balikesir (South of Turkey). Today it seems that a great awakening is occurring in the universal Body of Christ concerning the redemptive work of Jesus and the political instability of the Middle East has opened the doors wide open for the Gospel.

Due to these instabilities, many people from Iran and Afghanistan flee their home country to refuge in Turkey. 

Regardless of the hardships that refugees are going through every day, God is working amazingly among them in Turkey and many lives has been saved by the power of blood of Jesus Christ. Increasingly, people across Iran, Turkey, and Afghanistan are receiving revelation from God and our church has grown rapidly.

Starting in 2024, our church, formerly known as Nejat (salvation), officially changed its name toKurtulus Mujdesi Ibadet Dernegi (The Zoe Word). This new name reflects our renewed commitment to sharing the life-giving message of Jesus Christ and our mission to be a vibrant, transformative community.

Kurtulus Mujdesi Ibadet Dernegi(The Zoe Word) church community has been a cornerstone of faith, fellowship, and service for many years

Our Mission

In the journey of Kurtulus Mujdesi Ibadet Dernegi (The Zoe Word) church, from its humble beginnings in Iran to its flourishing presence in Turkey, one resounding truth remains: God’s faithfulness knows no bounds. Despite the trials and tribulations faced by our congregation, His grace has sustained us, guiding our steps and multiplying our impact.

Our Vision

In the journey of Kurtulus Mujdesi Ibadet Dernegi (The Zoe Word) church, from its humble beginnings in Iran to its flourishing presence in Turkey, one resounding truth remains: God’s faithfulness knows no bounds. Despite the trials and tribulations faced by our congregation, His grace has sustained us, guiding our steps and multiplying our impact.

Statement of Faith

Kurtulus Mujdesi Ibadet Dernegi (The Zoe Word)

The Bible is the only inspired and Eternal Word of God. Matt 24:35

Our God is One, but manifested in three Persons—the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Matt 3:16-17

Man is a created being, made in the likeness and image of God, but through Adam’s transgression and fall, sin came into the world. Gen 1:27

Salvation is the gift of God to man and is only obtained by Grace through faith in Jesus Christ. Eph 2:8